If you’ve stumbled upon this article chances are that you either are looking to get your master’s in France’s top education, want to learn more about the French education system, or just accidentally stumbled upon it and now you’re intrigued to keep reading. Whatever the reason is, by the end of this article you’re sure to learn more about what exactly it takes to get a Master’s in France, duration, cost, and how you can get one.
What Exactly Is a Master’s Degree in France?
In France, a master’s is both a degree and a grade. It’s the last university grade to be established and it’s studied between the License (Bachelor’s) and PhD. The Master’s level was added to establish a common framework across Europe universities: LMD – License, Master’s, Doctorate. A Master’s degree in France typically lasts from 2 to 6 years depending on your chosen university’s curriculum and level of difficulty.
How Can You Get a Master’s Degree in France?
The Master’s degree is granted by your chosen French University after completing Diplôme National de Master (DNM), or a similar graduate-level course, usually granted after five years’ worth of studying after the license (bachelor’s). Higher education institutions, for example specialized schools of arts, architecture and business, are entitled to give the grade of Master’s for some of their degrees, for programs lasting from 2 to 6 years.
In conclusion, you cannot get a master’s degree unless you meet the minimum study requirements agreed in the Bologna Declaration